
Camera catches bicyclist hit by car that ran stop sign in Hutchinson

Camera catches bicyclist hit by car that ran stop sign in Hutchinson
Intersection Accident Sparks Safety Concerns in HutchinsonHutchinson, Kansas - A dramatic video captured by a local resident's home security cameras has sparked concerns about the safety of a busy intersection in Hutchinson. The footage shows a bicyclist being struck by a car that ran a stop sign, raising questions about the need for increased safety measures in the area.Intersection Accidents Raise Alarm in Hutchinson Neighborhood

Ongoing Safety Concerns at 10th and Baker

Shannon Kohen, a Hutchinson resident, has been monitoring the intersection of 10th and Baker for several years after installing a security camera system around his home. To his dismay, Kohen's cameras have captured three separate accidents at this intersection, all of which were caused by drivers running the stop sign. The latest incident, which occurred recently, was particularly alarming, as it showed a bicyclist being struck and thrown from his bike.

Widespread Community Reaction

Kohen's decision to share the video on social media has generated a significant response from the community. The footage has been viewed hundreds of times, and numerous neighbors have commented that they have witnessed similar incidents at the intersection, with drivers frequently disregarding the stop sign. This anecdotal evidence suggests that the problem may be more widespread than initially thought.

Concerns for Nearby Elementary School

One of the primary concerns raised by Kohen and others is the proximity of an elementary school just a few blocks away from the intersection. With children frequently walking or biking in the area, the potential for a serious accident is heightened. Kohen emphasizes the need for drivers to exercise caution and pay close attention when navigating the intersection, especially during times when students are likely to be present.

Hutchinson Vice Mayor Investigates

The video has also caught the attention of Hutchinson's Vice Mayor, Stacy Goss. Goss, who described the incident as "really bad" after watching the footage, has reached out to the bicyclist's wife to check on his condition. Fortunately, the bicyclist is expected to recover, but the incident has prompted Goss to investigate further.

Gathering Data to Inform Decision-Making

Goss plans to gather more information about past incidents at the intersection, including any accident reports or traffic citations that have been issued. This data will help determine whether the issue is isolated or part of a broader pattern of safety concerns. Goss emphasizes the importance of having a comprehensive understanding of the situation before considering any potential solutions or changes to the intersection.

Prioritizing Community Safety

As the city prepares for the upcoming school year, Goss is particularly concerned about the safety of the area around the elementary school. She is committed to exploring all options to ensure that the intersection is as safe as possible for both drivers and pedestrians. Goss encourages residents who have witnessed or experienced issues at the intersection to reach out to her directly, as their input will be crucial in informing the city's decision-making process.
