
H&M Group and Other Major Fashion Brands Unite to Launch Collective Financing Model for Sector Decarbonization

H&M Group and Other Major Fashion Brands Unite to Launch Collective Financing Model for Sector Decarbonization

Unlocking the Green Transition: Fashion Brands Unite to Decarbonize Supply Chains

In a groundbreaking move, some of the world's leading fashion brands have joined forces to tackle the industry's carbon footprint. The Future Supplier Initiative, facilitated by The Fashion Pact, aims to accelerate the transition to net-zero emissions by providing financial and technical support to garment and textile factories in key manufacturing regions.

Powering the Green Revolution in Fashion


Collaborative Approach to Tackle Industry Emissions

The fashion industry has long grappled with the challenge of reducing its environmental impact, with an estimated 99% of total emissions occurring within the supply chain. The Future Supplier Initiative represents a groundbreaking approach to this problem, bringing together major brands to collectively finance and support the decarbonization of Tier 1 and 2 factories.By sharing the financial risks and responsibilities, the initiative aims to overcome the barriers that have historically deterred many suppliers from embracing energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy solutions. Through a combination of low-cost financing and technical assistance, the program will help factories implement the necessary upgrades to reduce their carbon footprint.

Driving Measurable Impact Across the Industry

The initiative's brand-agnostic approach ensures that the benefits extend beyond individual companies, creating an ecosystem of solutions that can be replicated and scaled across the industry. By identifying common factory units, interventions, and costs, the program will enable a coordinated global and regional effort, moving from targets and roadmaps to tangible implementation and measurable emission reductions.The participating brands, including Bestseller, Gap Inc., H&M Group, and Mango, have recognized the urgent need for collective action. As Anders Holch Povlsen, Owner and CEO of Bestseller, notes, "We know that as an industry, we still have many steps ahead of us, but we believe that the Future Supplier Initiative can make a positive and significant difference."

Bridging the Gap Between Ambition and Action

The cost of inaction on climate change is unaffordable, and the fashion industry must act swiftly to meet its ambitious decarbonization goals. The Future Supplier Initiative represents a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between aspiration and tangible progress, providing the necessary financial and technical support to suppliers to accelerate their transition to renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies.As Richard Dickson, President and CEO of Gap Inc., explains, "We're eager to see our commitment matter even more. That's why we participate in the Future Supplier Initiative, which unites brands, technical partners, and financial institutions to drive meaningful climate action across the industry, better and faster than any one company can on its own."

Expanding the Reach and Impact

The initiative will begin with a program in Bangladesh, supported by the founding brands, and aims to expand to other key apparel manufacturing regions, including Vietnam, India, China, Italy, and Turkey. By bringing in more brands and geographies, the Future Supplier Initiative seeks to support the industry in achieving its near-term Science Based Targets by 2030.As Toni Ruiz, CEO of Mango, emphasizes, "The joint effort that represents the Future Supplier Initiative is definitely a huge step forward from the industry in allowing for affordable funding for factories to engage in energy efficiency initiatives, and a sign that cooperation is possible in our sustainability journey."

Unlocking the Potential of Collaborative Action

The Future Supplier Initiative represents a groundbreaking model for the fashion industry, demonstrating the power of collective action to drive meaningful change. By sharing the risks, responsibilities, and resources, the participating brands are paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient supply chain, one that can meet the industry's ambitious climate goals and transform the way fashion is produced and consumed.As Lewis Perkins, president and CEO of the Apparel Impact Institute, aptly states, "To achieve this industry's ambitious climate goals, it's imperative that every stakeholder leverages their influence to drive tangible change. A joint effort among brands and retailers is essential to create conditions where suppliers are motivated and capable of making these investments."The Future Supplier Initiative is a testament to the industry's commitment to sustainability and a clear signal that the fashion sector is ready to lead the way in the global transition to a low-carbon future.
