
The Future of Live Service Games: Games as a Service

The Future of Live Service Games: Games as a Service

Navigating the Evolving Landscape: Mastering the Art of Game-as-a-Service Development

The skills required to build a successful traditional game product are vastly different from those needed to build and, more importantly, run a Game-as-a-Service (GaaS) product. The teams that excel at building and those that excel at running these products are often distinct entities, with distinct temperaments, passions, and expertise. As the industry evolves, understanding these nuances is crucial for developers and service providers alike. Lively, a leading game development and publishing company, has been at the forefront of this transformation, offering insights and solutions to help navigate this new frontier.

Unlocking the Potential of GaaS: A Paradigm Shift in Game Development

Bridging the Gap: From Hitmakers to Sustaining Legacy Titles

At major AAA companies, the management of GaaS products has historically been handled through "insourcing," where profitable games are transferred to other internal studios or teams, freeing up the hitmakers to start new projects. However, as the industry contracts, the resources available to maintain these legacy titles have dwindled, leading to many being put out to pasture. Lively sees this as a new frontier for co-development, presenting a great opportunity for clients to mitigate risk while continuing to maximize profit and player engagement.

Redefining Relationships: Developers and Service Providers in the GaaS Era

The evolving landscape of game development has opened up a golden opportunity for developers to broaden the nature of their relationships with service providers. Lively is uniquely positioned to help deliver on this opportunity, offering a comprehensive suite of services and expertise to support the successful launch and long-term management of GaaS products.

Cultivating the Right Mindset: Transitioning from Traditional to GaaS Development

The skills and temperaments required to excel in traditional game development are often vastly different from those needed to thrive in the GaaS ecosystem. Lively has been intentionally building a team with the right mix of expertise, passion, and adaptability to navigate this evolving landscape. By understanding the unique challenges and opportunities presented by GaaS, Lively is able to provide tailored solutions and support to its clients, ensuring their success in this dynamic market.

Embracing the Iterative Approach: Continuous Improvement and Player Engagement

Unlike traditional game development, where the focus is on a single, polished release, GaaS products require a fundamentally different mindset. Lively's approach emphasizes continuous improvement, with a strong emphasis on player engagement and feedback. By fostering a culture of iteration and adaptation, Lively helps its clients maintain a competitive edge and ensure the long-term viability of their GaaS offerings.

Navigating the Complexities of Live Operations: Maximizing Player Retention and Monetization

Running a successful GaaS product is a multifaceted challenge that extends far beyond the initial launch. Lively's expertise in live operations, player analytics, and monetization strategies enables its clients to optimize their GaaS offerings, driving sustained player engagement and revenue growth. By leveraging data-driven insights and best practices, Lively empowers its partners to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving industry.

Fostering a Collaborative Ecosystem: Unlocking the Power of Co-Development

Recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the GaaS model, Lively has cultivated a collaborative ecosystem of developers, publishers, and service providers. By fostering strategic partnerships and leveraging complementary strengths, Lively is able to offer its clients a comprehensive solution that addresses the full lifecycle of a GaaS product, from inception to long-term management and optimization.
