
Vermont gets FEMA disaster relief money for fourth time in 2024: Who is eligible now

Vermont gets FEMA disaster relief money for fourth time in 2024: Who is eligible now

Unlocking Federal Aid: Vermont's Flood Victims Receive Critical Assistance

Vermonters in areas devastated by the July 9-11 floods have officially been granted access to federal relief dollars, according to a recent announcement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This declaration marks a significant step forward in the state's recovery efforts, providing essential financial support to individuals, businesses, and municipalities impacted by the severe weather event.

Securing Vital Funding for Vermont's Resilience

Eligible Counties Receive Disaster Relief

The federal disaster declaration covers seven Vermont counties - Chittenden, Addison, Caledonia, Essex, Lamoille, Orleans, and Washington - that were hit hard by the floods, landslides, and mudslides. Residents and business owners in these areas can now access a range of relief programs, including assistance for temporary housing, home repairs, rental aid, and low-interest loans to help mitigate uninsured property losses. Additionally, cities and towns within the eligible counties can apply for 75% reimbursement for public infrastructure repairs and restoration.

Boosting State and Local Recovery Efforts

The federal funding extends beyond individual and municipal aid. State and qualifying local governments, as well as some non-profit organizations, can also apply for cost-sharing assistance to support emergency work and repair efforts on facilities damaged by the severe weather. Furthermore, the state will have access to cost-sharing resources for statewide hazard mitigation initiatives, ensuring a comprehensive approach to strengthening Vermont's resilience.

Seeking Expanded Eligibility

Vermont's governor, Phil Scott, has requested that FEMA include Orange County in the disaster declaration, recognizing the need for additional support in the region. The state is awaiting FEMA's response, which is expected to come soon, ensuring all impacted areas have the necessary resources to recover and rebuild.

Navigating the Application Process

Vermonters in the eligible counties can apply for federal disaster relief through various channels, including online at, by calling 1-800-621-3362, or by downloading the FEMA app. It's important to note that even if individuals have previously reported damage to 2-1-1, they still need to register and apply directly with FEMA to access the available assistance.

Protecting Against Fraud and Scams

To safeguard Vermonters from potential fraudulent activity, the state maintains a list of registered contractors, allowing residents to ensure they are working with legitimate service providers for flood-related repairs and restoration work.

Ongoing Efforts for Additional Support

The July 9-11 floods mark the fourth federal disaster declaration for Vermont this year, with the state also seeking a secretarial natural disaster declaration for several counties to secure emergency loans for impacted farmers. Additionally, the state is in the process of submitting a major federal disaster declaration request for the flooding that occurred on July 30, further expanding the available resources for recovery.These multi-layered efforts demonstrate Vermont's unwavering commitment to supporting its communities and individuals through the aftermath of these devastating floods. By accessing the federal relief funds and leveraging state-level initiatives, Vermonters can take crucial steps toward rebuilding their lives, restoring their communities, and strengthening the state's overall resilience in the face of natural disasters.
